Welp, its been a cold winter here in Canmore. It’s been a challenging few years for all of us, and with the added dread of a long winter season, you might find yourself worrying about not being able to manage your mood with the long darker days. You might even be looking into alternative treatments, and have found yourself wondering “can acupuncture help with seasonal depression?”
So today we’re tackling exactly how acupuncture can help with seasonal depression and sharing some of our best tips for how you can proactively manage seasonal depression.
What is Seasonal Depression?
Seasonal depression, otherwise known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), is a common form of depression that affects people all over the world, particularly in the winter and fall months. Symptoms of SAD include having very little energy, feeling sleepy, overeating and weight gain, withdrawing from social events, feeling agitated, restless and/or anxious. 1
The good news is that there is plenty you can do to treat Seasonal Depression and make the winter months a little less blue. For example, adding a seasonal depression lamp, getting outside daily and exercise are all great strategies to support your mood. There are also a number of health and wellness treatments – like massage and reiki – that can help to promote a sense of wellbeing, warm the body and overall improve your mood.
Can Acupuncture Help with Seasonal Depression or SAD?
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is very effective at treating Seasonal Depression. TCM assesses patients on an individual basis and treats their symptoms while also addressing the root of the issue. As a result, the TCM treatment that a patient with SAD may receive can be very unique to them, by incorporating a number of modalities such as acupuncture, cupping, Chinese herbs, and exercises like Qi Gong to help restore balance to the body. 2
Acupuncture needles move energy throughout the body, releasing blockages and endorphins. The endorphins help to counter the effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder, and improves mood.2
While acupuncture cannot cure Seasonal Depressive Disorder, it is a tool that can be added to your mental health toolbox to help manage seasonal depression, improve your mood and allow you to return to your normal life.3
Tips To Be Proactive and Prevent Seasonal Depression
Expose yourself to sunlight! Spend a few minutes outside daily in the sunlight. Take deep breaths, and let yourself soak up the vitamin D. 4
Get into and maintain a regular routine. Never underestimate the power of routine when SAD or depression is affecting your ability to manage your daily life. When you have a solid routine in place you’re better able to rely on your routine as something you “just do” rather than something you need to “try to do.” It also helps to reset your body’s natural clock (circadian rhythm). The things to focus on are when you eat, sleep and exercise. 4
Plan social events and things to look forward to. The winter can feel long and lonely if you’re not making an effort to do things and socialize. Bonus points if it’s active and outdoors! 4
Use aromatherapy. Aroma therapy is a great way to boost your mood, especially in the winter. Some great essential oils to help with SAD are grapefruit, saddlewood and sweet orange. Just be sure that you’re using a quality brand, like DoTERRA and that you’re properly diluting your oils so that they’re safe.
Stick to your health and wellness treatment plan. Whether you opt for regular massage therapy or if you want to try acupuncture to treat your Seasonal Affective Disorder, make sure that you’re sticking to regular appointments. We recommend at least one treatment per month to maintain results, more if you’re brand new to treating a specific issue or concern. Book your appointments early so that they don’t fill up or so that you don’t forget.
Works Cited
- White Whitney. “Do I have SAD – Seasonal Affective Disorder?” https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/depression/do-i-have-sad-seasonal-affective-disorder/?utm_source=AdWords&utm_medium=Search_PPC_c&utm_term=_b&utm_content=107920133730&network=g&placement=&target=&matchtype=b&utm_campaign=11558188695&ad_type=text&adposition=&gclid=CjwKCAjwwsmLBhACEiwANq-tXAuCy_WiSfvtZ0Ynf5A6XcAS5VCBxxqAqbkCo4M8wCqKaS2Mg4Xd9BoCyRcQAvD_BwE
- Balance Within. “How Acupuncture Can Help Depression Or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).” https://www.balancewithinyou.com/psycho-emotional/how-acupuncture-can-help-depression-or-seasonal-affective-disorder-sad/
- Acupuncture NorthWest and Associates. “Acupuncture For Seasonal Depressive Disorder.” https://www.acupuncturenw.com/acupuncture-for-seasonal-affective-disorder
Vail Health Foundation. “Tips for Managing Seasonal Affective Disorder (During a Pandemic).” https://vailhealthfoundation.org/news/tips-for-managing-seasonal-affective-disorder-durin